

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Semester break is about to over in a few days! Sobz~

Hola PEople! Did you all enjoyed your semester break? I hope you all did because i really enjoyed mine. Well.. well.. there are lotz of new experience that i learned. Most enjoyable one is i gt to open up my own booth during merdeka garage sale at Damai. Few days left before the new sem starts. Counting days....grr..My feeling now? Feeling determined, challenge, sad, curious, scared.. mixed feeling.. so a week before the new sem start (4 hari lg) i want to spend most of my time babysit my baby nephew..i am so gonna miss him so damn muchie~ Time flies so fast 2 bln cuti trasa mcm bberapa hari jak.. T.T..I am honestly not ready to go back. (cis mcm jauh) but i have to for a better future (Aisesehh).. Bila Sem baru mula i need to fit myself with the new lecturer, new atmosphere, new subject and maybe a new life or new gang too? haha .. What i dislike the most in college is when you have no time to socialize and keep doing assignment .. like you have no life at all.. because i am screwed when it comes to time management.. i am a good planner but i failed most of the time.. It's hard for me to say NO and stick to my schedue and that is how my time wasted.. I hate last minute but i can't help it i work hard last minute... I also cannot stand it when people stare at me like they are gonna kill me alive..but when i google it there is a theory that people stare at you because they are insecure about themselves. They need to know what everyone else looks like in order to make sure they look better or to make sure that they fit in. So word to the wise, if you stare, stop doing it cause you never know when the next person you stare at might just finally lose it. Haha Out of topic sudah.. so i hope for the best for the next semester.. Hope i can do better.. hope u all too!all da best people in everything you do! never give up! :) Anything? Just ask me http://ask.fm/ShaneShannonAnthony

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