

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Tips to Manila.

Wow after 2 years didn't post. Now i decide to blogging again. Haha! OK! Today i want to share with all of you regarding on how i manage my trip to Manila. Just for your info, We actually bought the flight ticket one year earlier. This is really unplanned. Most of them nearly tidak mau pgi but Thanks God i manage to pujuk them. So the ticket is confirmed and passport mmg sudah ada so what are we waiting for? This is my 1st step and diff pple have their own way in planning so here is mine....

 1. Make sure to get the cheaper flight ticket unless you kaya so forget bout this.
-Beli awal lg bgs ok sbb flight slalunya akn naik n naik depends on ur luck laa..
-Normally mmg Airasia jugalaa yg plg murah tue..

 2. Passport
-I have my passport already sbb last year i went to Vietnam. Kira okla sbb Rm200 for 5 years. Travel la puas2 aaa...
-Just p UTC.. skejap jak siap..

 3. Googling & searching
 - Hmmm... ni stress juga sya.. coz it tooks me bout 1 month reading entry about Manila.. Bkn apa tp sbb bnykkan commitmentkan kerja and all..
- Disinilaa kegunaan dia blog... I read a lot u know... Even during working hour pun still bzy baca blog..
 - This is where u get info on where to go, when to go, why, the cost, looking for tour guide and all.
- Besides, i ask too much too until my tour guide after 3 days baru reply my whatsapp.. hehe.. Hotel pun semua sya email, tempat2 menarik and all semua sya email just to get the info and all so its easier for me to compare and get the best deal.
-Finally, my sister pula yg dpt solution. She ask me to whatsapp this guy known as Menrad. The package is really affordable i told u... tp since we can get more cheaper if we book our own hotel then we only ask for transport service and etc except for the hotel.

 4. Looking for Hotel
- I really love Agoda... Sgt affordable n express.. I notice that klu guna apps dr mobile phone the price gets cheaper. and of course u need to sign up to get the best deal.
 -So firstly sya akn list tmpt yg akan sya p then see the distance between the hotel n the place. Then those yg shortlisted sya akn pilih yg at least 3 star n above, affordable, Good review, location, safety n all. Klu as a backpackers i dn mind about the star tp since its family trip then blah blah blah...
 -So after reviewing i decide to choose Shogun Suite Hotel sbb sgt convenience. Room for 4 check, with breakfast check and really near to the airport and and and kedai sbelah2 jak. The only thing is the place actually crowded even mlm pun masih alive.. tp no worries the security here is sgt berwibawa where they will check whoever went into the hotel. FYI, it's clean too. tp the breakfast bolehlaaa.. Ngam sama harga hotel jugala.
-Klu walk in around Rm180 jugala bayar tp klu through agoda i think it's only around Rm140.00 include breakfast.
-Note that in Manila the hotel a bit strict, klu dia bilang bilik for 2 then 2 orgla tu. This is to avoid u terkejut kena charge nanti tia ckp duit. hihi
 -You can always check the best deal in Agoda from time to time coz you can cancel your booking based on the given time stated.

 5. Transportation
 -our tour guide only provide us transport during our trip with them. Klu shopping2 itu sendiri tanggung so the cheapest deal here is using Uber.
-Uber is really affordable than the taxi. I notice that Uber in Manila bnyk yg pakai mirage atau Vios. same goes to the taxi driver. But But klu kamu jenis yg daring and mau try new thing i suggest u naik jeepney.
 -Traffic jammed sini 10 kali ganda dr kk so plan ur time accordingly aa..
- Normally sya akn msk google map and tgk direction tmpt yg akn sya p.. So that sya tau brapa lama utk smpi.
- Then baru sya msk laman web Uber utk estimate itu fare

 6. Meal
 -After knowing where to go then i will start to google where is the best place to eat inside the mall.
 - Example sya tau sbelah tghari sya akn P Mall Of Asia so i google the best place to eat there and see the review and of course the price.
-For those yg Muslim this is the important step that u need to follow as Manila susah mau cari tmpt yg Halal. Sgt Susah.
 - Klu Non muslim n bnyk duit, u can skip this step sbb manila x susah cari tmpt mkn.Gerai2 pun ada tp not recommended ok

 7. Tentative
 - Next is to list down all the activities, timing and etc...
- This is to make sure that there is nothing missing and tour bjalan lancar...

 8. Budget
-Very important for me.
-Listing all your budget so that you know how much to change, what to buy n so on -My budget is less than 1.5k
-Klu sya x beli utk siapa2, stimately i only spend Rm600 all in except for passport and flight 

9.Things to pack
-Based on ur tentative then u decidela apa mo bawa and jgn lupa check the weather as well. During our trip is a rainy season tp Thanks God most of the time bila kami keluar hujan bhenti and lps balik Hotel then baru hujan. unless for the last day la.. yg itu basah la juga.. hehe
-Another tips jgnla bawa bnyk baju, beli saja sana n pakai sbb konpom penuh bag bila balik nanti sbb manila ni Tip Top tmpt shopping n murah.
-Jgn lupa international plug. Karang ada yg nangis tdk dpt charge henfon.
-Bawa powerbank klu perlu.

 10. Money changer
-Last but not least, change ur money. Check the currency. Setau sya tmpt yg plg bgs utk money changer ada d wisma merdeka. hihi

 * Few things that u need to know is once u turun from airport dkt main entrance ada sim card free. Bkn itu jak unlimited lg internet for 1 week. Hebatkan? tp perlu top up la... klu x lupa mcm rm18 utk 1 mnggu unlimited intrnet. My next entry is on suggested place in Manila.

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